The Human Spirit - Daily Ramblings - July 10, 2018

The Human Spirit - Daily Ramblings - July 10, 2018

When the notification came across my phone screen this morning that the entire Thai soccer team had been successfully rescued from the cave they had been trapped in for weeks, I was reminded once again about how great the human spirit is! The past few weeks has captured the world's attention as hundreds of people, and a large amount of resources, were used in an attempt to save a small group of people. One man's life was even lost in his attempt to rescue these boys and their coach. What causes someone to risk their lives in an attempt to save another life?

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What a Family Hike Taught Me About Life - Daily Ramblings - July 7, 2018

What a Family Hike Taught Me About Life - Daily Ramblings - July 7, 2018

A few days ago our family was looking forward to a nice easy hike around Bear Lake in the Rocky Mountain National Park. We took the scenic drive up through Estes Park, paid the $25 to get into the park, and then we were turned back as we neared Bear Lake because the lots were full. Dejected, we stopped at the nearest visitor center to see if there was anything else we could hike nearby. After talking with one of the helpers at the visitor center we settled on hiking up Deer Mountain; a six mile round trip hike that would have us climbing over 1000 feet. What could go wrong with five kids with ages ranging from 5-13?

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Books in Review: First Half of 2018

Books in Review: First Half of 2018

2018 is already half way done, which means it is time for my first half of the year books in review! Below are the books I have read through June. I will attempt to give a short summary, my rating, and who I think this book would be good for. I would love to hear your thoughts on what I should read for the second half of 2018!

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Life as a House

Life as a House

I have come to picture life as a house. A house being made up of three essential things: the foundation, the structure built upon the foundation, and the furnishings within the house. When it comes to life, our metaphorical house is made up of the following three parts: theology as the foundation, philosophy as the structure, and our habits and rituals are the furnishings.

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Building Self-Discipline in a World that Wants to Destroy It

Building Self-Discipline in a World that Wants to Destroy It

What is self-discipline? Self-discipline comes from within. Self-discipline is used when there is no external motivating factor which drives you to action. Self-discipline is needed to obtain an outcome which no one but you cares about. In short, self-discipline is about controlling your feelings and overcoming your weaknesses. This means self-discipline takes courage!

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