Reflections on Independence Day


Each day it is easy to become saddened and discouraged by the events I see around my country. Children have been separated from their parents. Nuclear war looms on the horizon. Racial tensions seem to be at an all time high. If I allow it, these events can cast a shadow of hopelessness on life.

However, today as I reflect on Independence Day, I am reminded how fortunate I am to be living during this time and in this country. I have a beautiful family which I am able to support and go home to every night. I am able to work where I want. I can worship my God without fear of persecution. I can pursue my dreams. I have the freedom to write and say what I want. And the list goes on and on.

I know my country is not perfect. I know the problems I listed above are very real and should be addressed. I know some of my countrymen are still suffering. My country has its warts and imperfections, but when this country was birthed in 1776 it created a place for innovation and freedom to flourish. Now, more than ever, I am thankful for the men and women who had the courage to stand up to The Crown over 200 years ago and create a system for us to work through the issues that plague us today. They were not perfect - nor am I - but I pray that I can have half of the courage they did to stand up for the oppressed and downtrodden. There is work yet to be done in the country I call home, and I am thankful for the freedom I have fight worthy battles.

Happy Independence Day!