Why Not Me? - A Battle Fought Well

Why Not Me? - A Battle Fought Well

Two and a half years ago I had challenged myself to write something on this blog everyday for a month. Anything. It didn’t matter how shallow or deep the message was…just write.

In the midst of that month our family received the news that my dad was diagnosed, and began his battle with, stage four kidney cancer.

As I write this today, that battle is coming to a close. It is looking more and more like my dad has days, if not hours, before he breaths his last and enters into the arms of his eternal father. I write this to reflect on the words he said when he started this journey, “Why not me?

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Life Doesn't Fight In Its Weight Class - The Second Stripe

Life Doesn't Fight In Its Weight Class - The Second Stripe

A few months ago, I reflected on what I had learned since starting Jiu-Jitsu when I received my first stripe on my white belt. In short, I began to learn how to become humble, resilient, and not play the victim when hardships in life come. You can read more about that here.

Yesterday marked the second milestone in my journey when I received my second stripe. My big takeaway this time around:

Life doesn’t fight in its weight class!

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