The Injustice of Ignoring - Daily Ramblings

The Injustice of Ignoring - Daily Ramblings

Yesterday I wrote a little bit about the injustice which comes from inaction. Today I want to continue on the theme of injustice and talk about the injustice of ignoring. Plus, my wife and I have been watching "The Handmaid's Tale" - which we love - and I was reminded of the quote above.

We have all heard the saying, "ignorance is bliss", but have you ever given thought to how true and profound that is? Knowledge can be a haunting and burdensome thing to discover. Ignorance on the other hand - although still dangerous in many cases - is freeing.

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The Injustice of Inaction - Daily Ramblings

The Injustice of Inaction - Daily Ramblings

Americans are familiar with the quote, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". It has been a rallying cry to justify our wars and to celebrate our independence. The Stoics, however, wrote about this concept thousands of years prior to this famous quote in regards to everyday life.

We as people like to pride ourselves when we see an injustice in this world by decrying it with a, "if I was there I would not let that happen!" As if we are some moral Superman who is able to write all wrongs in this word if we were only there to do something about it. But I don't think many of us would.

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Suffering Well - Daily Ramblings

Suffering Well - Daily Ramblings

There are few things in life which are certain. Suffering is one of those things. Entire religions have been created to understand, and give meaning to, the issue of suffering. At some point in every person's life, suffering will come. You become sick, a loved one dies, you are fired from a job you love. Suffering comes in many forms. At times it may not impact you directly, but everyone knows someone currently suffering. So what are we to do with suffering?

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Rules for Social Media - Daily Ramblings

Rules for Social Media - Daily Ramblings

Social media: Is it harming or helping our society? Some will argue that it is making more people depressed because they are comparing their lives to the "highlight reel" of others. Others will argue that social media has been the only way they are able to stay up to date with friends and family. I believe both camps are correct, which makes me wonder, how are we to interact with social media? I have created three simple rules which have helped me.

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Why Not Me? - Daily Ramblings (from my Dad)

Why Not Me? - Daily Ramblings (from my Dad)

Today I want to share a message from my dad as he begins his battle with cancer. So far my dad, along with our family, have had a sense of peace as he enters into his fight. We know not every day will be easy, and we will all have days where we are discouraged, but we are confident in where we find our strength. His message today is a great reminder for anyone going through any struggle. I love you, Dad! I'm proud of your attitude and fighting spirit already!

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Book Review: "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott

Book Review: "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott

At ten years old, Anne Lamott's brother had left a school project - where he was to catalog a large number of birds - undone until the last minute. Seeing his son was in a panic, their father told him not to worry about how large the project was, and instead to take it "bird by bird". Lamott recalls this being the best advice on life and writing she has ever heard.

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Book Review: "Unfu*k Yourself" by Gary John Bishop

Book Review: "Unfu*k Yourself" by Gary John Bishop

I know, I know...another book with a provocative title. Books with titles like this seem to be a dime a dozen today. Unfortunately, they continue to sell, and so they continue to get created. After seeing other books I have read, and posts I have made, a co-worker made this recommendation to me. When I finally picked up Audible this month, I had him send me this book to listen to. But is it any good, or just another book that has sold because of the title? Let's take a look!

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Want True Happiness? Think of Death - Daily Ramblings

Want True Happiness? Think of Death - Daily Ramblings

There is one thing in life which every single human being will experience: Death. It is the one thing we (especially we Americans) try to avoid, ignore, and push as far out into the future as we can. I am here to argue that if we create a healthy practice of focusing on our coming death, it will enrich and bring happiness to life!

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A Parent's Anxiety - Daily Ramblings - July 16, 2018

A Parent's Anxiety - Daily Ramblings - July 16, 2018

This week my oldest child will be turning fourteen. Parents that have come before me are not lying when they say time goes so fast. It seems like yesterday we were potty training him and now he is going to be a freshman in high school with a learner's permit for driving. As he grows into a young man my grip on him is slowly loosening as well. He will begin to make choices in which he will have to deal with the consequences. He will enjoy new found freedoms without me there to protect him. And with all of that I am discovering anxiety that surprises me out of no where.

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World Cup - Daily Ramblings - July 15, 2018

World Cup - Daily Ramblings - July 15, 2018

France, a nation which once conquered and enslaved much of the world, will face off in the World Cup Finals against Croatia, a once conquered nation (and one of the smallest countries in the tournament). A true David vs. Goliath moment! After a month of great - yet surprising - matches the day is finally here. In my opinion, this has been the best World Cup in my lifetime. Here is a recap on how we got here.

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Sexy Arms - Daily Ramblings - July 13, 2018

Sexy Arms - Daily Ramblings - July 13, 2018

Yesterday I tried out Instagram's new questions feature for Instagram Stories. I was looking for ideas to write about for my Daily Ramblings. I have been using this platform as a way to get over my fear of writing and what people think of my writing. It is my daily practice. Anywho, I should have known my friends well enough I knew that the suggested topics would not be all that serious. Since I didn't specify the quality of topics, I'll have some fun with it. Here is the first one!

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Don't Aim at Success - Daily Ramblings - July 12, 2018

Don't Aim at Success - Daily Ramblings - July 12, 2018

“Don't aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one's surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it. I want you to listen to what your conscience commands you to do and go on to carry it out to the best of your knowledge. Then you will live to see that in the long-run—in the long-run, I say!—success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think about it”

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