Want True Happiness? Think of Death - Daily Ramblings


There is one thing in life which every single human being will experience: Death. It is the one thing we (especially we Americans) try to avoid, ignore, and push as far out into the future as we can. I am here to argue that if we create a healthy practice of focusing on our coming death, it will enrich and bring happiness to life!

Mozart is unquestionably one of the greatest composers to ever walked the face of this earth. His music is still heard in movies, tv shows, and churches. He wrote over 600 pieces of music before he died at the age of 35. Thirty-five! So much done in such a short life.

I think this is in part attributed to the relationship he had with death. He realized his life could be short - that he "may not live to see another day" - and so he maximized each day he had. Don't get me wrong, Mozart was a genius. This was the man after all who began composing music at the age of five. But imagine what would have happened if he placed his focus on his life instead of his death.

It's not hard to imagine, because we see this happen around us all the time. We all struggle with this at some point: we ignore death and do what we can to prolong life. We fear making decisions today, because of what might happen tomorrow. A tomorrow which may never come. We fear putting ourselves out there today, for fear of what others may think tomorrow. In short, we fear what may happen in a future we may never experience. 

I'm guessing not all of Mozart's works were a success. I'm assuming some have been forgotten over time. But in Mozart's short life he continued to create. He continued to put stuff out there which brought him happiness, and continues to bring people happiness today. He realized that at anytime he may not have tomorrow, so he maximized his today.

Creating a practice where you focus on your death can be a freeing and joyful experience. Knowing you could die tomorrow should help you put off the petty stuff you experience today. Maybe your kids leave their crap on the floor for the hundredth time, or your co-worker reheats their fish in the work microwave for the third time this week. There are plenty of things which can drive us nuts on a daily basis, but if you knew that today could be your last, I doubt you would allow those things to frustrate you. The day will come where your child will be in an accident, or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, or you yourself become extremely sick. There will be times when suffering knocks at your door, and when that time comes all those little annoyances will no longer matter anyway.

Once you accept death as the certain thing it is, and that today could very well be your last day, you will be free to live! You will write books, create art, or start the hobby you have always wanted without fear of what others will think. You will start the business you have always wanted without fear of failing. You will look upon your loved ones and enjoy every moment you have with them. You will begin to find happiness and fulfillment in all areas that matter, and begin to let the petty stuff go. Don't let the unknown of tomorrow get in the way of living today!

Go today and create. Call a loved one and tell them you love them. Hug your kids. Care about those you see today. Get to know your maker today. You may meet Him tomorrow.

Momento mori: Remember that you have to die!