Cold Showers - Daily Ramblings - July 11, 2018

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I love cold showers! And not in the way you think either. Each morning I have found cold showers to be a great life lesson.

After working out each morning I hop into a warm shower, soap up, rinse off, and then turn the water as cold as it goes. As soon as the cold water hits my skin I begin the process of taking 10 deep breaths. At first the cold water is a shock, but by the end of the first breath it puts me into a meditative state. The water no longer feels as cold and my body becomes extremely relaxed. However, if I fight the cold, or the breath, the water begins to feel very uncomfortable and I can't wait to finish my 10 breaths.

I have found the same to be true for life. Life has a way of hitting people with "cold water". Life can be suffering and can happen to people more than them making an impact on life. So much in life is out of someone's control. I have found if I fight my circumstances that my suffering can become even worse. However, if I take a deep breath and focus on the things I have control over, thing go much better. Suffering seems less bad. 

I know a cold shower seems like a silly life lesson, but it has been a great daily reminder. I can either war against life's circumstances, or accept them as part of being a human and control the things I am able.