I Need Your Help

I Need Your Help.jpg

This past month I wrote a blog post every day. I have learned a lot from this experience over that time. My hope was that by writing every day, that it would help me get over some of my insecurities, fears, and pride. I think it has put me well on track to do that.

I want to continue the practice of writing for those reasons above, but I am looking to make it a bit more structured. I LOVE the writing process, but I hate coming up with the ideas to write about. There is no shortage of things to write about, but I can be lazy and don't enjoy putting the extra time into thinking up a topic in my already shortened time. My thought is to have a certain theme for each day of the week. Something like "Memoir Monday" or "Philosophy Friday". Maybe even a "Short Story Saturday" (but that may be a stretch for me!).

I am also thinking of writing for the blog less (3-4 times per week) so I am able to begin writing our family's crazy story of our adoptions, some of the brokenness that came during that time, and the redemption that followed. 

But what are some things you would like to hear about on a weekly basis? To be honest, I have been writing mainly for myself, but I think it will help me to better focus my writing if I had a schedule and began writing for an audience. Anything goes! Family life, work, politics, religion, and whatever else you think would be fun to hear my thoughts on.

I have appreciated the feedback I have gotten so far and look forward to writing for you for a long time! So what are your ideas? Go!